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Several Ways to Make Industrial Packing Easier
Last Updated on: October 4th, 2023
Anything done in volume requires an extremely efficient operation. In industrial packing, this means having produced the right packaging to protect the product from damage during transit, as well as having the right equipment to ensure that the boxes can be sealed as quickly as possible.
For instance, have you considered a case sealing equipment system? We shall explore this and other ways to efficiently pack products during this article.
Ways to Make Industrial Packing Easier:
1. Case Sealing Machines
On an industrial scale, machines will be used to seal boxes or crates. With boxes, it will be all about dealing with the flaps and the dexterity and speed of the machine to ensure that many boxes are packed in a shorter space of time than would be humanly possible.
The way the machinery is designed will mean that the packaging or products are not damaged during the process. If they were, it would work out cheaper to employ a larger workforce to do the same job but slower. But then, speed is important when meeting a distribution deadline.
Packing departments will have to balance speed with not causing unnecessary damage to items. Accidents will happen when human error is involved but can more likely be eliminated where machinery can manage the packaging process. We can at least limit the chances of product damage occurring.
2. Automated Taping Machines
The manual industrial packing of boxes will be with automated taping machines that make the process faster and more efficient a process. There are taping machines available that will tape boxes faster than they could manually be sealed with a pair of scissors and a roll of tape. With the push of a button, the package can be taped skilfully and without the need for the tedious manual taping of boxes.
The time saved will ensure that wages bills are kept to a minimum and that deadlines are always met. Both are important to a business because of the profit margins and reputations involved.
We know from wrapping Christmas presents at home how much easier using a tape dispenser can be. It is a similar idea in the industrial situation, although on a grander scale where time and money matter even more.
3. Alternative Packaging Solutions
The packaging process can be made easier by having ?self-sealing? boxes or ?crash lock? boxes that can be put together in seconds because they do not require taping. This will increase the industrial packing speed in an industrial situation. Another alternative that will be quicker to pack with is the ?wrap pack,? as opposed to the standard cardboard box alternative.
The designs of boxes will be considered more so now that packing is an easier process, but the process can still not be eliminated. This is where machines can assist industrial packing departments by automating what could be a tedious process. Also, over the longer term, it can be more cost-effective to invest in the machinery than to buy more expensively designed packaging that self-seals a product and requires minimal human intervention.
The packaging process can be made easier by having ?self-sealing? boxes or ?crash lock? boxes that can be put together in seconds because they do not require taping. This will increase the industrial packing speed in an industrial situation. Another alternative that will be quicker to pack with is repacking with the help of a ?wrap pack,? as opposed to the standard cardboard box alternative.
Thinking about the above, it is clear to see that we either need packaging that virtually seals itself or need to have the equipment capable of sealing it for us in a more automated way. This will save us much time and expense if we are a business that relies heavily on the proper packing process or makes packing their business. When there are multiples of packages to consider, we cannot allow inefficiency within our packing line to slow down or increase delivery times.
The reason companies will want faster packing options is about increasing the speed of the packing process while maintaining the safety and protection of the items inside. It can be a combination of good packaging and good equipment or machinery that achieves this. Certain types of packaging can be problematic but will be necessary to protect sensitive products that are so easily damaged.
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